Firefighter pole dancing, with service dogs 1

On Monday we had our service dogs on the town class! We went to the firefighting department museum in downtown Rock Hill.

Two people cancelled at the last minute, so it was just me with Hestia, Brad, Scarlet, Phyllis with Avalanche, and Barbara with Tripper.

I hadn’t been in the museum since they re-did it, and now it’s definitely really geared towards kids. It is mostly firefighting themed stuff for kids to play on. We had a fun time playing on it anyway with our service dogs! Some of the areas are great for service dog training.

Veronica and Hestia behind a railing on the second story of a pretend house to practice escaping from if there is a fire.

One of our favorite things was the firefighting pole, where we took lots of funny pictures of us pole dancing!

Scarlet in their wheelchair holding onto the firefighting pole

We also had Hestia and Avalanche try on the firefighting jackets and hats that they had for little kids to try on.

Scarlet, Veronica, Phyllis, and Avalanche are wearing fire fighting helmets, while Hestia is wrapped in a tiny kids’ fire jacket.

The other big fun thing was that they had a real ambulance in the museum that we were able to climb inside and see what it was like.

Veronica with Hestia, Scarlet, and Phyllis with Avalanche in the ambulance.

Afterward, we grabbed a quick bite to eat at Bojangles, and then headed home.

In line at Bojangles you can see Hestia next to Veronica’s foot, Tripper next to Barbara’s legs, and Scarlet.

We left Alice home alone for the first time for this class, and she did a great job! She wasn’t worried at all when we came home!

In the pictures, I have long brown wavy hair and am wearing my mermaid dress. Hestia is a small white and black Japanese Chin wearing a galaxy vest. Scarlet is wearing a daisy shirt, black skirt, and lacey tights, and they are in a purple and black wheelchair. Phyllis is wearing jean shorts and a t-shirt, and Avalanche is a Pyrenees mix working without a vest. Barbara is wearing a pink shirt and Tripper, her Golden, is wearing a turquoise vest.

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