Double parked and double run 6

We had week 6 of our agility class last night, and actually got to run two courses! Brad got video of them both, plus a few bloopers 🙂  And you get to see my sweater, which I knitted myself 🙂  It is pink Malabrigo with brown rabbits and celtic designs around the neck.

Van parked across two accessible spacesBut first we had to stop by CVS to pick up my prescription (turned out to be the wrong one, but oh well).  As we pulled into the parking lot we saw a van parked horizontally across two accessible spaces!  So of course we had to take a picture!

Then we went to Brad’s parents’ house to celebrate his birthday!  Which is actually today, but we had the celebration yesterday 🙂  It was a lot of fun to hang out with his family and talk and laugh.  But all too soon we had to head to class.

This week was week 6 of class, and there are 6 weeks of class plus a bonus week.  We are definitely going to the bonus week next week!  But this class was intended to be kind of a summation of what we’ve done so far.

Closeup of Hestia, with black around one eye and white around the other and black long earsThree jumps and a tunnel were set up and we had two patterns to run the dogs through a real agility course!  It was so much fun!  Hestia had a great time running around, and so did I!  I did get a bit winded going at Hestia speed LOL so I guess I need to play the wii fit more to build up my endurance.

Brad got a few closeups of Hestia with his macro lens, and they turned out great, too.  Here is the video, I will describe the first agility run we did for those who are blind or have low vision.

Tunnel, Jump 1, Jump 2, Jump 3, Jump 2, Jump 1, Jump 3, Tunnel, Jump 1

If you are blind or have low vision, please let me know if this kind of description is good for you, or if there is some way I can make the experience better.  Thanks!

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6 thoughts on “Double parked and double run

  • Blue382Spec

    Veronica, I’m so impressed with your knitted sweater. My spouse can knit but I can only cast on, I get lost after that. I am envious of your skills!! Happy Birthday, Brad. Thank you for the giggle this morning as I watch Hestia’s bloopers at the end. We just got a dog, my first ever, now I’m even more excited and entertained by dogs than I was before.

  • Team Blue

    BWHAHA!!! Oh, Empress, you ARE the best. Make Mom do all that work at the end 😛 I can see Deja pulling that, with the whole “just kidding” face on. Happy happy birthday to Team Morris’ videographer!!
    PS hope you turned that picture into the local PD. someone def needs consequences!