The satyr and the dog-fairy

Yesterday Brad and I did a photo shoot! We are sitting in our wheelchairs against a dark enchanted forest backdrop. Brad is not wearing a shirt, but he has a green scarf and brown pants. He has green and brown smears of makeup on his face and arms and hands. He is wearing a crown that has branch antlers and mossy green flowers on it. He is acting like a mischievous being who is out to get the dog-fairy, who is me!

I am wearing a lavender top and colorful leggings with purple fairy wings and have one to three dogs in my lap. Alice is wearing a light green set of gossamer wings. Hestia is wearing the same wings in pink. Felix has on blue butterfly wings.

The pictures involve various poses by Brad of alternately sneaking up on me, trying to get a dog, being interested in my wings, and laughing. He is very expressive in the photos! He looks fantastic!

I am holding various dogs and looking happy, looking off in the distance, and looking scared variously, depending on what Brad is doing.

We don’t have any pictures of all three dogs looking at the camera at the same time, but several pictures have at least two dogs looking, so that’s good!

Enjoy the pictures of Brad the satyr and Veronica the dog-fairy, starring our beautiful fairy-dogs!

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