Felix and the Community Fridge

This afternoon I was scrolling on Facebook and suddenly I saw a post pop up from the Community Fridge in Rock Hill. The Community Fridge is a place where people leave free food and others can take it. They had all kinds of wonderful looking food in there, so I grabbed Felix, hopped in the car, and headed over.

I got there about 15 minutes after the post went up, but apparently they had not been timely with their posting because all the food was gone! Bummer!

But I didn’t let the outing be a waste. Instead we hung out on the street near the fridge. It is a fairly busy street in downtown Rock Hill, and so there were cars, busses, and people passing by. We even heard a train very close by! A man walked his dog across the street from us, too.

For most of the time I sat there with Felix rewarding him for looking at me. At first he was very distracted and didn’t look at me a lot. Then he started catching on, so we played the name game a bit.

By the end of the 10 or so minutes we hung out there, I felt Felix was ready to work on a little heeling with my wheelchair. He did a pretty good job! He definitely still has a lot to work on, but it was a good start for being out on a busy downtown street.

I got a video—well actually it’s two clips spliced together—of him doing this. In the first clip, I call his name and click and treat for looking at me, then we take “one perfect step” (well, about that length since I am using my wheelchair). In the second clip we go probably 4 steps worth in heel.

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