Before you say anything about the title- Brad came up with it! He actually comes up with most of our titles. I just wanted to be clear that I don’t think of myself as a “hottie”! But it was a good title so I went with it.
Anyway, today was the first day since my birthday that we left the house. I just HAD to wear my new Hufflepuff gear. So even though the temperatures today are in the upper 80s, I wore my Hufflepuff leggings and a long sleeved black shirt. Of course Hestia wore her Hufflepuff vest!
We went to Sam’s to stock up on fruit. We’re eating loads of fruit these days since we’re not eating sugar. It makes a great snack, and also a great dessert! In the parking lot on our way in, Brad snapped a couple pictures of Hestia and me in our Hufflepuff splendidness.
I actively trained the whole time we were in the store, and Hestia did a very good job! I had kinda gotten lax with all our travel and had been allowing her to pull… so it was back to work and it was fun for both of us.
When we left, we went out to the parking lot to get our car. We were parked in an accessible space with a hash marked space next to us so Brad could get in and out of the van. Unfortunately the person who had parked next to the hash space was almost halfway taking up all of the hash space! It was really upsetting! Yes, they had a disabled placard, but that doesn’t mean they can take up the van accessible hash marked space!
I had to back the car out of the spot in order for Brad to get in. If I hadn’t been there, he would have had to wait until that person was done with their shopping to get back in the van—in other words, he would have been hostage to the bad parker. Grrrr!
must have gotten their license out of a Cracker Jack box. that would have made me cross too!! and btw, there’s NOTHING wrong either with being a hottie, or calling yourself one. *lends you my diva sassypants <3
Nice title! lol
I agree with Team Blue; OWN the “hottie” label! Sometimes it can be empowering to try on a descriptor like that and see how it feels.
I’m so glad you were there to help rescue Brad from the horrible parker! If that had happened with Evan and me, I wouldn’t have been able to safely back out the car, since I don’t know how to drive. We have weird situations sometimes where it would solve a bunch of problems if I could just drive, but at this point. I can’t. Maybe someday…
Anyway, I wish I could get some Ravenclaw gear! I have too much stuff already, though, It’s still fun to look. I’ve never seen Harry Potter leggings before! Where are they from?
I don’t know where she got the Harry Potter leggings– my mother in law got them for me. Having HP gear is fun, though Brad stole my Hufflepuff blanket and is using it right now lol!
Hi Sweetheart
I’m sorry that you had a ruff couple of days and am glad that your birthday party was so much fun. I wish that I could have been there to wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY in person. I have no idea what hufflepuff is?? The first time (and only time,I might add) was in one of your posts. What is it, a brand name or does it have a special meaning? I know that people my age are somewhat “out of touch” but I try to learn what is “n” and “out”
Love you bunches.
Love you Nana! Brad says I’m not the best source on what is in and out, but I can explain Hufflepuff! Do you know the Harry Potter books and movies? In the stories, the students are divided up into four houses. The house is supposed to be your family while you are at school. There are four houses. Slytherin: pure blood house, emphasizing heritage. Gryffindor: brave house. Ravenclaw: smart house. Hufflepuff: Kind house. When I was younger I was sorted into Ravenclaw, but more recently I’ve been sorted into Hufflepuff. Hufflepuff’s colors are yellow and black, so that explains the color of the leggings. Hope that helps!
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