Today Felix and I got together with my friend Sabrina and her Golden Retriever Indy. We were supposed to meet at Joann’s Fabrics, but when I arrived there, the store wasn’t open. Apparently there had been a staffing issue and no one was there to open the store!
Sabrina hadn’t arrived yet, so I just drove my van over to Big Lots (in the same shopping complex) and parked there. Sabrina got there shortly after me, and we went inside.
Sabrina had several things she wanted to see in the store, so I followed her and focused on my training. Felix was quite distractible because he was super excited to see his friend Indy and Auntie Sabrina! He kept trying to sniff Indy’s butt, which she graciously ignored. Felix also was quite sniffy in the store. I used the leave-it command a lot.
I realized that this is the first time he’s been in a store since the convention over a month ago! So he was really rusty. I broke out the treats and we made it into a fun training session. I got a few pictures while we were in the store. Two show Indy with Felix, and one shows Felix lying down nicely next to my wheelchair while we were waiting for Sabrina.
When we were done at Big Lots, we decided to roll our wheelchairs over to Joann’s. It is about a 5–7-minute roll. We had been told that the store would be open in about 30–45 minutes when we left, so we figured that was plenty of time for them to get people in and get the store opened up. But we got there, and nope! The store was still closed!
So we decided to go to World Market. We rolled the 5–7 minutes back to Big Lots, and then went another 5-minute roll in the opposite direction to get to World Market. On the way there, I got a couple of selfies with me and Sabrina and Felix. In the first one the humans are smiling and Felix has his tongue out. In the second one, Sabrina has grabbed Felix and is kissing on him! He he he!
We got to World Market, and they had gone out of business!!! Thwarted again! So we headed back in the direction of our cars. We stopped in at Old Navy. They had a statue of a dog in the entryway, so I got a picture of Felix and Indy with the dog statue.
While we were in Old Navy, Sabrina got a video of Felix walking underneath all the display clothing in a narrow aisle.
When we were done in Old Navy, we called Joann’s to see if they were open yet, and no one answered. So instead we headed to Red Lobster for lunch. I haven’t been to Red Lobster in YEARS! But they have the best cheddar bay biscuits that I love! So I was happy to go.
I got a picture and then a video of the pups at the table. They were halfway underneath the table, and halfway in the aisle that wasn’t used much by anyone, since it was the corner of the restaurant.
We had a wonderful lunch and had a great time talking, too!
When we were done, we decided to call Joann’s one last time. They were finally open! So we headed back to the shopping center. Joann’s was pretty fun. Sabrina looked at a lot of fabric! I mostly worked on leave-its with Felix since he wanted to grab every piece of lint on the floor (which there was a lot of!).
At one point, we were in a fabric aisle and a man walked by and was so engrossed in watching our dogs that he managed to run over his foot with his own shopping cart! LOLOLOL!
I got a picture of Felix and me in a mirror in the fabric section, and I got a picture of Felix right after he sniffed Indy’s butt. He is looking at me like he’s the most innocent doggie ever, and no way was he sniffing her butt LOL!
After that, we were wiped and headed home. Unfortunately I’m developing a migraine now, bummer. But at least it didn’t happen while I was out. And I have my new migraine medicine to take, yay!
Hope you enjoyed our adventure of closed stores!