My breeder sent over fresh pictures and video of Alice and the other puppies!
It’s official that I’m getting the sable clown face puppy! Clown face means she has color over one eye, and white over the other like Hestia. Sable means her color (non-white) hair when she’s an adult will be reddish brown with black tips.
I’m calling her Alice, after Alice Cullen in Twilight, but her registered name will be Ni Kokoro Gonna Be Great Friends. When Alice and Bella meet at the Cullens’ place, one of the first things Alice says to Bella is that they’re gonna be great friends. At least in the movie! That line isn’t in the book, but I love it in the movie.
The puppies are all super super cute!
The first video starts off with the puppies in the pen all looking over at the camera and being very interested! It is 3 minutes of puppies being excited about my breeder LOL!
The second video is a half-minute of the puppies closer up, with Alice in the middle of a puppy pile!
My breeder also took five pictures of Alice! Three are with her sitting sideways from the camera, and two are closer ups of her face as she scrabbles up the side of the puppy pen.