Today’s stand video shows stand practice in heel position, and also some stand practice with Ollie there, too, to see if Hestia would learn from him. I did two too many reps with Ollie and Hestia both there– gotta learn to stop when it’s about perfect! I forgot to treat for sitting as well as standing when giving the cues, too. Brad’s advice is not pushing the treats into her face and forcing her to break her sit because the treats are being smashed into her. Any other advice or tips on the training?
I was trying to see where you did the things you were saying you did incorrectly and I couldn’t pick them out!
I’m so impressed!
Awww, thanks!
I always forget how tall he is. <3 Way to show Sissy Empress how we git er done!
Right, I see the two extras on that. Hard to catch exactly where the stopping point is. Maybe take Ollie's cue on that–I saw him be done first, maybe just because he was more obvious?
Keep it going! 🙂
I know, I love having Ollie in more videos! But I always forget him! The monkey see monkey do training seems to be working so you’ll see him in more videos where I”m teaching the stand.