Fashionable frames 8

Today my new glasses arrived!  The frames are AWESOME!  They are round lenses, with frames only on the top of the glasses.  The frames are metal and mostly turquoise but with some other shades and colors too.  The colors are in rectangular patterns, kinda looking like flags.  Up close you can see that the metal frames are bumpy to the touch.  They are thick because I am extremely nearsighted, but I think they look wonderful!

After getting my glasses, Brad and I did a photo shoot.  I am wearing a turquoise/sea green dress with pink flamingos on it.  Hestia is wearing a turquoise Omni-Vest with a rainbow assistance dog patch on the back.  Brad is wearing a purple blazer, a horse drawn carriage scarf, a red plaid hat, and his red plaid blanket.  

Enjoy the pictures!

Picture of Veronica with no glasses-- I look weird!
Picture of Veronica with no glasses– I look weird!
V in new frames with Hestia up near V's shoulders so you can see the flamingos on the dress.
V in new frames with Hestia up near V’s shoulders so you can see the flamingos on the dress.
Closeup of the last photo
Closeup of the last photo
Brad is styling!
Brad is styling!
Showing off the scarf more
Showing off the scarf more
Brad gives a thoughtful pose.
Brad gives a thoughtful pose.
A thoughtful and happy photo
A thoughtful and happy photo of Brad
Smiling fashionable Brad
Smiling fashionable Brad
Brad sitting to the side of his wheelchair
Brad sitting to the side of his wheelchair
Another good one of Brad
Another good one of Brad
Final Brad pic
Final Brad pic
Veronica holding Hestia with a crepe myrtle in the background.
Veronica holding Hestia with a crepe myrtle in the background.
V from the side, with Hestia's tongue out!
V from the side, with Hestia’s tongue out!
V from the side again
V from the side again
V turned to the side with a cocked head
V turned to the side with a cocked head
Veronica making a funny face and pointing to her gasses
Veronica making a funny face and pointing to her gasses
Same as last pic
Same as last pic
Closeup of Veronica smiling, with her face on the right and the trees on the left.
Closeup of Veronica smiling, with her face on the right and the trees on the left.
Super closeup of V head on.
Super closeup of V head on.
V with her head tilted.
V with her head tilted.
Another with head tile
Another with head tilt
Super closeup of V with head cocked.
Veronica from the side, so you can see the stems of the glasses.
Veronica from the side, so you can see the stems of the glasses.
Veronica 1/4 turn away from the camera.
Veronica 1/4 turn away from the camera.
V smiling widely
V smiling widely
V braided the sides of her hair, and they meet into a small ponytail on the back of her head. Hair tie is pink.
V braided the sides of her hair, and they meet into a small ponytail on the back of her head. Hair tie is pink.
V looking over her shoulder
V looking over her shoulder
Another over the shoulder!
Another over the shoulder!

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