This morning we had our first basic obedience/rally 1 class! My rental Whill wheelchair was dropped off like 5 minutes before I had to leave, but at least I finally got it! Luckily the Charlotte Dog Training Club moved closer to me, so now they’re only 8 minutes away. So I was able to get there on time.
It was my first class in the new building, and I LOVE the new building! The accessible parking is still being worked out, but I was able to park in a spot that worked for my ramp.
The instructor for the class is Liz, and she is fantastic! There were 7 other dogs in the class, and all the dogs are pretty good! There wasn’t a lot of barking or anything, and people kept their dogs under control. It was really lovely to be in the class with everyone.
Since this is more than just a basic obedience class, we zoomed through the first several things in class. We worked on charging the clicker, watch, the name game, mat work, and heeling. I was very happy I had my chair to work on heeling, as Felix needs more work on wheelchair heeling than he does on walking heeling.
Felix wasn’t the worst in the class, but he wasn’t the best either. And that’s OK since he’s only 10 months old and still learning!
About 3/4 of the way through class, someone decided it would be a good time to walk around on the roof to pick up debris! It made these really loud clunking sounds. Two of the dogs in class were pretty scared by the noises. Felix wasn’t bothered by the noises, but he was worried about the dog sitting next to us, who was really worried and had to leave for a while until the noises stopped.
So I was very pleased with our class went! I did get a picture of Felix on his mat during class, and I’ll post it at the bottom of the entry.
As we were getting ready to leave, another person in class came over and told me what a beautiful Chin he was! That made my day!
After class, I took Felix to Publix. We were only in there a few minutes as all we got was fruit and Brad’s favorite salsa. Felix was perfect! He happily stood on my lap with the basket in front of him, checking out everything that was going on around him.
Lots of employees were happy to see us and commented on how beautiful he is!