Today I went to pick up my CPAP machine, finally! It took many months of work to get it (there was a nationwide shortage), but it’s finally here!
I was really nervous before my appointment where I picked it up because I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to use it or like it or anything. And since we are going on a walk later today, Brad couldn’t come with me!
Luckily everything went really well! As I was waiting in the waiting area, a man and his wife were leaving. The man remarked that he thought Hestia was one of those robotic dogs. I joked that she was, and we all had a good laugh!
The person helping me get my mask situation settled was super nice and very calming to me. I am glad she showed me how the mask works and it is actually whisper quiet! I am so excited that it’s not loud!!!! It’s actually pretty comfortable, too. I breathe through my nose when I sleep, so I got something that goes over just my nose and around my face with the tube coming out of my forehead.
Both of the people who worked there were super nice and we had a nice little chat about Hestia and her possible successor. They were very respectful of her, which was great. I felt very welcomed.
Now we are home and I am wearing the mask as I play around on the internet. It isn’t uncomfortable at all! I think I’ll be able to do this!
Brad took a picture of me wearing the mask, which he says makes me look ready for space! It is below, enjoy!