Japanese Chin bonanza!

Last Friday, Brad and I went to the Japanese Chin Club of the Carolinas specialty show! It was only an hour away from us. They have one every year, and every year we say we’re going to go, but never get there. This year we decided to meet our internet friend Kendall there! Kendall is getting a Japanese Chin to be a service dog. We were also excited to meet three breeders that I’ve talked with online but never met in person (Omar, Peggy, and Valerie), and the breeder I’ve gotten my Chin from, Carla Jo. All four breeders are really good friends, and their dogs often have puppies together.

I wore my Japanese Chin dress that Sabrina made me, which is purple with white Chin on it. I also wore my lavender denim Japanese Chin jacket that Sabrina embroidered for me.

For those who are blind or low vision and don’t know what a Japanese Chin looks like, I can try to explain. They are small dogs and have very smushed noses and googley eyes. Their heads are shaped like a racquetball. Their eyes often point in different directions and they look kinda like little cute aliens! Most of them are black and white, but there are some other colors. At this show, we only saw black and whites and a couple of sable and whites like Felix and Alice.

I’m going to post all the pictures in one big lump, but I will draw your attention to a few things. Kendall is holding at the beginning a very small puppy who is 6 months old and only 2 lbs! She was going to her forever home the next day. Carla Jo holds the same puppy at the end of the series.

There were a few very young dogs for whom it was their first show. So they didn’t really know what to do and sometimes decided it was not time to walk, or they wanted to walk in a different direction than they were supposed to go. We really enjoyed watching these puppies! There was one sable in particular like this who reminded us a lot of Alice.

The really stunning dog that has a symmetrical black face and is mostly white is Hebi. He is Felix’s and Alice’s dad. He won the best Japanese Chin at the big show that was being held at the same time, and went on to get fourth place among all the other toy dogs. Hebi is owned by Carla Jo, the woman in the blue flowered dress. Felix’s mom is owned by Omar and Jenn. Omar is the man with long hair in the blue jacket. So Felix got to see his dad and his human grandparents!

Felix and I really enjoyed meeting everyone! I let everyone pet Felix, and Valerie slipped me some venison treats to give him! I decided to make him work for them and tried to have him do some easy obedience. But Valerie’s shoes smelled too interesting LOL! Felix does have a thing for dog peoples’ shoes.

We were only able to stay a few hours because we had to get home to the girls. We wanted to get home before the storm, and it started thundering a few minutes after we got home. So we were home just in time to be with Alice during the scary storm.

It was a lot of fun, and I’m going to try to go back again next year!

The only drawback is now I want another Chin LOLOLOLOL! No really, three is plenty!

Now enjoy the pictures! This is just a subset of them—Brad took even more than this, and he will eventually be posting all of them on his Instagram @disableddoublet .

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